15 Innovative Strawberry Planting Ideas For Big Harvests In Tiny Spaces

6. Stacked Strawberry Planters

To make the most of the space you have available, you should also consider stacking containers to make stacked strawberry planters.

Place your largest container on the bottom, then a somewhat smaller one, and an even smaller one on top of that. Strawberries can be planted around the edges of the lower containers and to spill out of the container at the top.

7. Easy Water Strawberry Pots

You can buy pots with holes in the sides of them that are specifically designed to hold your strawberry plants. But these can sometimes be difficult to water as the season progresses.

Check out this idea, which shows you Secrets for Your Best Strawberry Harvest Every Year

This is a great hack for solving this common problem, and could be customised for several of these other strawberry garden design ideas.

8. Strawberry ‘Fairy Garden’

No matter what kind of container you choose to grow strawberries in, you can consider turning your strawberry garden into a ‘fairy garden’.

This project, great for kids, is all about making a magical diorama as a backdrop for your fruits.

Choose a few other ‘magical’, child-friendly plants to grow alongside your strawberries. Then make a little path leading through them, and perhaps even a little fairy house at the end of it.

Fun as well as functional, a strawberry fairy garden is the perfect way to bring fairytales to life.

9. Strawberry Planting Barrel

As mentioned above, you don’t need to buy a dedicated strawberry pot or planter to grow strawberries.

You can also use any number of reclaimed or upcycled items for the purpose.

You can cut an old plastic barrel in half lengthways to make a couple of planters, saw one off to the required height, or simply plant into the top.

But with strawberries, you can also consider making holes in the sides and planting into these, as well as planting into the top of the barrel.


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