Discover 7 Rare and Unusual Indoor Succulents

Most succulents make excellent houseplants. They’re low maintenance, and since most plants come from hot, dry climates, they can get a little neglect.

Indoor succulent collections often start with stone lotus or jade plants. They are like a gateway to the world of succulents. If you’ve had these for a while, and maybe even propagated a few leaves, you might want to broaden your succulent horizons a bit.

There are many rare and unusual succulents to choose from. There are many unique, showy varieties and strange and wonderfully different leaves to collect.

This article starts with the basics of succulent care, then dives into 10 rare and unusual indoor succulents!

Succulent Care Basics

Before we delve into unusual succulents, let’s go over some basic succulent care tips.

These are some general guidelines for caring for succulents. Find out if specific succulents have special care needs.

Succulents need light

The natural habitat of most succulents is hot, dry and sunny.

Place the plant in a sunny spot in your home. Find the window sill that gets the most sunlight.

If you don’t provide enough natural light to your succulents, they may stretch out and try to reach the light. If this happens, move the plant closer to a window or use special grow lights. These lights don’t have to be expensive and will give your plants the light they need.

Succulents don’t like too much water

Since nearly all succulents come from hot climates, they are not used to lots of rain. So don’t water the plants too often.

Since succulents are accustomed to dry environments, they should not be left in wet soil for too long. Make sure the soil is completely dry before watering.

When the soil is very dry, occasional watering from below can be helpful.

Water less in winter. Succulents store water in their leaves, so they can handle minor droughts.

Succulents need good drainage

It will help to provide the succulent with ample drainage.

Choose pots with drainage holes in the bottom. This will help drain excess water after watering the succulents.

Always use well-drained soil for cacti and succulents. You don’t want soggy soil. Good drainage keeps the roots healthy.

1. Frithia pulchra – Fairy Elephants Feet

Fenestraria rhopalophylla

Fairy elephant feet and the very similar-looking Fenestraria rhopalophylla (“baby’s toes”) are living rock relatives that fit perfectly into rock-filled natural habitats.

They survive hot and sunny climates by going underground. The tubular leaves disappear almost completely underground, leaving only the tops visible. These top surfaces are translucent windows that allow light to enter and reach the interior of the leaves.

Give your plants as much sun as possible, and be careful not to overwater.


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